Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pain: The Science of Suffering

I was fascinated by how comprehensive the concept of pain is. The first couple of chapters really didn't interest me but the others that followed really sparked interest. But the one thing I found missing that I really wanted Wall to touch on more was emotional or mental pain and how that affects our perception of physical pain. We all experience pain but according to Wall, our pereception and intesensity of pain differs by many factors that are not genetic or physical if you will. Wall talks about this in postoperative pain and how medical personell need to realize that there is no such a thing as "standard pain" and must treat each patient indivually when it comes to pain. The problem with that is how exactly will medical facilities and the people that work for them apply this new way of thinking about pain. Another thing that reall caught my attention in his book is how animals below humans react to pain and the reasearch conducted. This topic should be explored more.Overall, I enjoyed the this book.

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